Requarth resigns as Clay Twp. trustee
Brookville Star
Kay Dawson
Contributing Writer
CLAY TOWNSHIP = Clay Township Trustee Jeff Requarth resigned at the end of the July 1 meeting, an action required by his move out of the township.

Although not unexpected, his move, intended to be effective at midnight, caused some problems. At least two votes are needed for any motion, and Trustee Dave Vore was on vacation. Woolf could not accept the resignation by himself, so it had to be tabled until the next meeting.

Additionally, if any situation required emergency action before Vore’s return, he said adding, “like, God forbid, another tornado,” Requarth would be needed as the second signature on paperwork.

Earlier in the meeting, Woolf was unable to vote to approve the minutes of the June 17 meeting, when he had been on vacation. Only trustees present at the meeting can approve the minutes.When he moved to table them until the next meeting, Requarth pointed out, “you’re not going to be able to vote on them the next time, either, because I won’t be here!”

Woolf moved to approve them subject to consultation with legal counsel.

When Road and Cemetery Superintendent Chris Maleski asked the trustees to consider a change in the personal leave days available for the workers, Requarth suggested postponing the matter until a new trustee took office. Woolf agreed and moved the proposal be tabled until the first of the year, since tabling a measure without any dae would effectively kill it.

“We aren’t saying no,” he told Maleski, “but we want to table it until we are discussing benefits.”

Turning to matters they could deal with, the board voted to hire Brandon Lingenfelter as an extended part-tim police officer, meaning he could work up to 1500 hours a year as opposed to 24 hours a month for regular part-time officers.

The trustees approved an estimate of $26,869 for a new side mower, with a contingency of $850 to remove the mower itself from the vehicle if Maleski couldn’t do so himself.

“I simply haven’t had time to look at it,” he said.

He told them that last spring’s weather had delayed tiling township property farmed by Stefan Bridenbaugh, leaving options of paying $341 for crops that were damaged during the tiling or postponing the project until after the harvest. Trustees decided to pay for the crops rather than trust the weather to permit the work this fall.

He also said the chip and seal project on Wengerlawn Road would proceed.

Woolf reminded residents of the unincorporated areas of the township, and Phillipsburg, that the Keep Clay Clean event at Phillipsburg Community Part on Aug. 24 will feature a drug drop-off, tire recycling, a Goodwill trailer, and shredding of up to two banker’s boxes of papers.

“No hazardous material can be accepted, though.” he said.

The next regular meeting of the trustees will be at 5 p.m.on Monday, July 15, at the township building, 8207 Arlington Road.
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